THIS Is What Sanders Said About The “FAMILY VALUES” Of Conservatives…

by Terresa Monroe-Hamilton | January 30, 2016 9:57 am

Bernie Sanders looks to win Iowa[1] and New Hampshire against Hillary Clinton. Normally, that would be cause for celebration, except that Sanders is a communist and is just as bad. At a rally in Iowa, he decided he would mock conservatives and family values, while advocating the butchers of Planned Parenthood. Thousands thrilled to his endorsement of infanticide and his dissing of the GOP. He claimed that Republicans don’t want women to have the right to control their own bodies. Sanders wouldn’t know what family values were if he sat on them, which he does. The right for a woman to murder her unborn child is hardly what I would call praise-worthy. His idea of family values includes murder, perversion, gay rights and entitlements. Sanders is nothing short of an aging, debauched Marxist and would finish this country off.

Bernie Sanders[2]

From RedState:

At an Iowa rally on Friday, Bernie Sanders indulged in[3] that favorite Democrat pastime of trashing the very notion of family values and of course, paying homage to his political masters, Planned Parenthood.

“They love families.” What a bunch of monsters, am I right? I bet they even cling to religion.

“When Republicans talk about family values, what they are saying is no women in this room, in this state, in this country, should have the right to control her own body.”

Well that is definitely why people talk about their families, Bern. No other reason.

We don’t have an issue with a woman having control over her own body. What we do have an issue with is her right to control another body growing inside her and the right to murder a human being. Not only does Sanders suck at math and economics, he’s morally bankrupt. He’s promising free everything, but will deliver crushing taxes and equal misery for all. His ideas have never worked throughout history, but Progressive Marxists just keep on trying one more time. Pretty much with the same results in the end… poverty, enslavement, blood and death. He wants to expand Planned Parenthood… he’s doubling down on these demons. Come on America… do you really want this kind of man anywhere near the White House? Just send crazy Bernie home already.

  1. Bernie Sanders looks to win Iowa:
  2. [Image]:
  3. indulged in:

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