Trump: America Has Too Many Problems to Take in Refugees

Trump: America Has Too Many Problems to Take in Refugees

Western countries are being expected to take in the hundreds of thousands of Muslim refugees fleeing the Middle East and ISIS’ reign of terror. But according to Donald Trump, America’s got enough problems already — we don’t need to be taking in any refugees.

Donald Trump

With potentially millions of Muslim migrants flooding across the European border and swamping the continent, nations like Germany have actually invited more than 600,000 of them to come — despite there being few, if any, meaningful security checks.

Tonight, on FoxNews’ Sean Hannity program, GOP frontrunner Donald Trump was asked if America should take in some of the hundreds of thousands streaming out of the Middle East and Africa.

This goes way against the grain of the media propaganda, and even other GOP candidates like Jeb Bush and Lindsay Graham, that American must take them in, and is also consistent with Trump’s prior statement regarding Obama’s “pro-Muslim bias” in accepting Muslim refugees while turning away needy Christians.

From a national security standpoint, he is definitely right that we should be wary of accepting hundreds of thousands of Muslim men, with Lord knows what kinds of allegiances. Why are we not taking in the Christians being persecuted first, who we know have no terrorist affiliations?

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