This Big Bang Theory Star Just Said the Most Conservative Thing on the Internet

by Cassy Fiano | January 1, 2015 9:30 am

Every now and then, some female celebrity will make the mistake of proclaiming that she’s not a feminist, only to have the femisogynists lose their minds and start shrieking in indignation — because, you know, women are only allowed to think the way that the feminazis tell them to think. Unfortunately for them, some female celebs, like Big Bang Theory star Kaley Cuoco, have minds of their own, and an interview with Cuoco has some statements that are sure to drive liberals mad.

kaley cuoco[1]

With Hollywood being a toilet bowl filled with the fecal matter we all know as “liberal ideology,” anytime an actor or actress bucks against the system, it’s sure to send loony leftists into a tizzy, especially if it’s a renunciation of man-hating feminism.

This explains why a recent interview with Big Bang Theory star Kaley Cuoco has liberal feminists yanking out their underarm hair and screaming not-so-sweet sentiments into her virtual ear via social media.

What did Cuoco say that’s made her the target of the month for dude-haters across the country? She loves taking care of her man.

From Mad World News:

In an interview with Redbook, the February cover girl revealed that she falls in line with traditional gender roles, despite the fact she’s one of television’s highest paid actresses. She even went as far as to say that she loves taking care of her man and it’s not something she’s ashamed to admit.

Cuoco was asked if she’s a feminist, which is obviously a loaded question in itself.

“Is it bad if I say no?” she responded.

“It’s not really something I think about,” she said. “Things are different now, and I know a lot of the work that paved the way for women happened before I was around… I was never that feminist girl demanding equality, but maybe that’s because I’ve never really faced inequality.”

The statement that really landed Cuoco in hot water was when she said enjoyed cooking for her husband and loved serving him.

“It makes me feel like a housewife,” she said. “I love that.”

“I know it sounds old-fashioned,” Cuoco continued. “But I like the idea of women taking care of their men. I’m so in control of my work that I like coming home and serving him. My mom was like that, so I think it kind of rubbed off.”

The funny thing is, the so-called feminists will see that interview and insist that Cuoco has faced inequality, because all American women supposedly do, and just doesn’t know it. Meanwhile, they completely ignore the actual inequality that women in the Middle East face every single day, and even defend some aspects of sharia law and Islamic life — no wonder Cuoco doesn’t want to call herself a feminist!

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