Telling Photo Of Hillary LEAKS Out To Press – She’s Doing A LOT Worse Than We Thought…

by Terresa Monroe-Hamilton | September 15, 2016 8:40 am

I have said from the beginning[1] that what we saw on 9/11 with Hillary Clinton had nothing to do with being overheated or, I believe, with pneumonia. As she was passing out in front of a wheelchair enabled van, I saw her head jerk backwards as if her eyes were rolling back up into her head. She seized multiple times as her knees buckled. There is a video where she is drinking iced Chai Tea and she seizes as well. She has a neurological malady of some sort… my money is on Parkinson’s disease.

I’ve seen doctor after doctor of repute come out and say that this is neurological. Not only that, by the demeanor of her entourage, it is a common occurrence. Some reports claim the woman with Hillary is her nurse or personal doctor. Some claim she is her PR rep. I believe she has medical expertise of some sort. She ran a standard neurological test with Hillary, where you have the patient clasp two of your fingers. The NYU School of Medicine instructs students to “test the patient’s grip by having the patient hold the examiner’s fingers in their fist tightly and instructing them not to let go while the examiner attempts to remove them. Normally the examiner cannot remove their fingers. This tests the forearm flexors and the intrinsic hand muscles. Compare(s) the hands for strength asymmetry.”


From Three Percenter Nation:

In the image, one of the Democratic nominee’s ‘handlers’ is seen administering a neurological test just before she infamously collapsed at a 9/11 memorial on Sunday.

Take a look…


According to Allen B. West, Dr. Zuhdi Jasser M.D., a physician for the Navy and Congress, suggested Hillary’s medical emergency was not caused by dehydration; rather, it was something cardiovascular or neurologic.

Here’s what Jasser had to say:

“What she had was a syncopal episode. She passed out. That’s either cardiovascular or neurologic. Now, her team wants us to believe it is dehydration. She didn’t appear to be dehydrated and that doesn’t get fixed in 90 minutes. So I can tell you that it really appears and if I let a patient with the condition of syncope leave my office, and not get admitted, and get evaluated immediately, that would be malpractice. So there’s something going on.”

This test took place when Hillary first stood to leave on 9/11, before she collapsed at the curb and was lifted and dragged into the van. Typically, it is protocol by the Secret Service to take the person in their charge directly to a hospital. Instead, they went to Chelsea’s apartment. That would indicate that this is a frequent occurrence that they have to handle on a regular basis. That would mean that Clinton is very ill and has been for a long time.

Hillary Clinton is not fit for the presidency… not only ethically and professionally… but physically. She should release her health records immediately, not just some faux note form some doctor that will say whatever she wants said.

  1. I have said from the beginning:
  2. [Image]:
  3. [Image]:

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