George Moonbat Issues Fatwa Against Tony Blair

by Dave Blount | February 2, 2010 12:13 pm

Even otherwise liberal Tony Blair has one redeeming quality: he stood with civilization against the genocidal socialist dictator Saddam Hussein and his progressive fellow travelers. That’s why George Monbiot — whose name may have given us the word moonbat — has launched a website called Arrest Blair[1], where he calls upon his fellow kooks to get themselves arrested by attempting to “arrest” the former prime minister. Monsieur Moonbat even offers a bounty:

Money donated to this site will be used for no other purpose than to pay bounties for attempts to arrest Tony Blair. All administration and other costs, apart from any charges added to your donations by Paypal, will be paid by the site’s founder.

The prime objectives are to encourage the International Criminal [Kangaroo] Court to try Blair for crimes against moonbattery and…

To show Mr Blair that, despite his requests for people to “move on” from Iraq, the mass murder he committed will not be forgotten.

You know, mass murder like this[2]:


No wait, that’s the mass murder Blair helped put an end to when Saddam’s death toll was capped at around 2 million[3]. Monbiot must be referring to the hundreds of thousands of Iraqi babies British troops have ruthlessly impaled on their bayonets. You heard all about that, right?

No doubt Monbiot would arrest Blair himself, except that the world is still laughing at his pathetic attempt to arrest John Bolton[4].

The personification of moonbattery.

Hat tip: David Thompson[5]. Cross-posted at Moonbattery[6].

  1. Arrest Blair:
  2. this:
  3. 2 million:
  4. pathetic attempt to arrest John Bolton:
  5. David Thompson:
  6. Moonbattery:

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