Truth Behind Voter ID REVEALED in One Brilliant Meme

Truth Behind Voter ID REVEALED in One Brilliant Meme

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Via Sierra Marlee:

Voter ID has, for some reason, become a contentious political issue within the last few years. While it seems like common sense to make sure that a person is a legal citizen before allowing them to vote in an election, Democrats have taken offense to the idea. (Perhaps because they enjoy the votes of ineligible voters?)


From The Federalist Papers:

Good news for Americans who aren’t fans of fraud.

In a tongue-in-cheek ruling that mocked Obamacare, a federal judge said that requiring voters to show identification at the polls is perfectly constitutional.

D.C. Circuit Judge Richard J. Leon ruled that while it may be “inconvenient” to require proof of citizenship – and it may be a bit harder to get people to register to vote – it’s not “insurmountable” and it’s certainly harder than explaining ObamaCare, The Washington Timesreports.

“The organizational plaintiffs and their members will undoubtedly have to expend some additional time and effort to help individuals,” Judge Leon wrote. “But let’s be candid: doing so pales in comparison to explaining to the average citizen how the [Affordable Care Act] or tax code works!

The case is about three states specifically – Kansas, Alabama and Georgia – but the ruling could have wide impact as many states have been trying to clamp down on voter fraud.

The Obama Administration and the League of Women Voters have been trying to halt the practices of requiring identification at the polls, arguing that federal law doesn’t require a citizenship check when people register to vote and that these states were imposing an extra burden on voters.

But Judge Leon ruled the was no “real and irreparable harm,” so he rejected the Obama Administration’s claims.

The ruling is the latest in a years-long struggle by some states to combat potential voter fraud by insisting voters prove they are citizens. In one Kansas count alone, officials count 25 instances of non-citizens attempting to register to vote.

“This is a very real problem and the only way to solve the problem is to require proof of citizenship on the front end,” said Kris W. Kobach, Kansas’ secretary of state.

I think that right there was the sound of Judge Leon dropping the mic on President Obama.


Writer, Blogger. Political aficionado. Addicted to all levels of government campaigns.

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