Changing reality, one word at a time

by Bookworm | November 11, 2010 11:20 am

This is an absolutely true story:

The conversation at my Mom’s retirement home got around to the subject of dogs. Someone mentioned the Belgian Sheepdog[1].

“Oh,” my Mom said. “My own mother had one of those before WWI. It was a beautiful dog. It looked a little like a German shepherd, only it was black–”

One of the ladies in the conversation interrupted: “Dear, we don’t use that word any more.”

My Mom, nonplussed, asked “What word?”

“Black, dear. Now that Obama is president, we don’t use that word anymore.”

There are no more black dogs. Just dogs of color.

Cross-posted at Bookworm Room[2]

  1. Belgian Sheepdog:
  2. Bookworm Room:

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