White House Press Conference Interrupted By LAST Person Expected – Spicer Thrown For A Loss! [WATCH]

White House Press Conference Interrupted By LAST Person Expected – Spicer Thrown For A Loss! [WATCH]

You just know this was scripted, but even so… this is cool. Heh. As Sean Spicer is facing down the jackals of the media, New England Patriots tight end Rob Gronkowski stuck his head around a corner and interrupted the press conference. He asked Spicer if he needed some help. Spicer declined and said he thought he had this. To which Rob asked if he was sure. And Spicer said maybe… grinning, he said he’d join him in a minute with the President. This is sheer Trump showmanship at play, but very funny nonetheless.

After winning the Superbowl, the Patriots are visiting the White House. Well, most of them anyway. Everyone got a laugh out of Gronkowski poking his head in. It lightened a very tense exchange on geopolitical military standoffs. I think we could all use some levity right about now. “How do you follow that?” Spicer added before resuming the briefing. You right your shoulders and head back into battle with the press. Just like that and that is what Spicer did. Glad I don’t have his job. Just sayin’.

From Western Journalism:

New England Patriots tight end Rob Gronkowski has participated in his share of trick plays and on-the-field surprises.

None, however, is likely to rival the surprise achieved in a visit he made Wednesday as the Super Bowl champion Patriots were welcomed to the White House to meet with President Donald Trump.

Gronkowski poked his head into the press room as White House press secretary Sean Spicer was undergoing his daily round of jousting with the White House press corps.

“You need some help?” Gronkowski asked the stunned Spicer, who is a New England fan, as the press corps turned its focus away from Spicer towards the New England star.

“I think I got this, but thank you,” a grinning Spicer replied.

“You sure?” Gronkowski added.

“Uhh, maybe … ,” Spicer answered. “Thanks man, I’ll see you in a minute.”

Gronkowski then left and returned to the team’s celebration with the president.

“That was cool,” a still-grinning Spicer said as he took a moment at the podium to switch gears.

Unfortunately, at the last minute, star Quarterback Tom Brady backed out of coming to the White House. That’s disappointing. But I’ll bet those that did attend had a fantastic and fun time. Trump is a great host and you can bet fun was had all the way around.

The team’s White House visit also came on the day former New England tight end Aaron Hernandez apparently killed himself in his prison cell. He was serving a life sentence without parole for the 2013 murder of semi-pro football player Odin Lloyd. So, it was a somber day as well.

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Terresa Monroe-Hamilton

Terresa Monroe-Hamilton is an editor and writer for Right Wing News. She owns and blogs at NoisyRoom.net. She is a Constitutional Conservative and NoisyRoom focuses on political and national issues of interest to the American public. Terresa is the editor at Trevor Loudon's site, New Zeal - trevorloudon.com. She also does research at KeyWiki.org. You can email Terresa here. NoisyRoom can be found on Facebook and on Twitter.

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