Obama’s Only Criteria: Is There Something In It For Me?

Forget the little children. The little children coming to the White House don’t vote, can’t give money and really, after you’ve had one kiddie photo-op you’ve had them all, so they can’t make you even look that great. President Barack Obama dissed a bunch of crying Kindergartners:

Paty Stine said the White House staff should have made an exception. She feels the kindergarteners were snubbed for the Steelers.

“Here we have President Obama and his administration saying, ‘Here we are for the common, middle class people,’ and here he is not letting 150 5- and 6-year-olds into the White House because he’s throwing a lunch for a bunch of grown millionaires,” Stine said.

And really, the DC kids who don’t have school vouchers? They’re nothing compared to the powerful Teacher’s Union.

And the car dealerships and average workers? They’re nothing compared to the Auto Unions and environmentalist cabal.

It’s really all about who you know and what you can do for the President. A child. A common person. Well, they can’t do much for the Prez, so he doesn’t care so much for them.

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