Watch What Happened When She Was Caught Stealing Gas…

by Just An American | April 20, 2016 1:18 pm

Times can be tough sometimes, everyone goes through them. Not everyone though handles it with grace…and this is definitely ONE of those cases…[1]


From AWM:

Take this woman for instance. She is trying to steal gas while her partner-in-crime sits behind the wheel.

But when the pair gets spotted because of a previous theft, the driver panics. Watch what happens to this crook in the video below!

After the sharp-eyed gas station attendant notices the crooked couple, the driver gets spooked. He turns on the car and drives off immediately.

His quick-thinking, or lack of thinking, ripped the gas hose off the pump and sent the female criminal flying in the air.

What the heck did I just watch!? I feel guilty for laughing…but..WOW!

  1. this is definitely ONE of those cases…:
  2. [Image]:

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