Daily News For July 13, 2006

by John Hawkins | July 13, 2006 12:30 am


Hamas Leader Badly Hurt in Israeli Bombing (Applause)[1]

Bomb Destroys Palestinian Foreign Ministry[2]

Wave of Violence in Baghdad Puts 3-Day Death Toll Past 100 (Free New York Time Reg Req)[3]

Death Toll In Bombay Attacks Rises To 200[4]

U.S. Planning Aid Push If Castro Goes[5]

Nations Sending Iran To Security Council[6]

Gorbachev: ‘Americans Have a Severe Disease’ (Whining From The Commie Who Led The Soviet Union To Defeat In The Cold War)[7]

Putin Rips Cheney’s Verbal ‘Hunting Shot’[8]

North Korea Sets Conditions For Return To Talks[9]

Russia Launches Inflatable Space Craft[10]


Administration Prods Congress to Curb the Rights of Detainees (Free New York Times Reg Req)[11]

Novak-Rove Exchange Lasted 20 Seconds[12]

Beyond the Poll Numbers, Voter Doubts About Clinton (Free WAPO Reg Req)[13]


Ann Coulter: New York Times: Better Dead Than Read[14]

Michelle Malkin: ‘La Raza’ Schools — Your Tax Dollars At Work[15]

James Lileks: Embracing A Sept. 10 Mentality[16]

Herman Cain: One Culture, Indivisible[17]


Podcast: Glenn And Helen Reynolds Interview John McCain[18]

Will Barry Bonds Be Indicted For Perjury?[19]

News From The Summer Seminar — The “Atlas Shrugged” Film[20]

Cold Rush To Drill Angers Scientists[21]

Paralyzed Man Moves Computer Cursor Through Thought[22]

Airwaves Again Safe for “South Park” Scientology Spoof[23]

Video: The Snakes On A Plane Theme Song (Some Bad Language)[24]

Humor: The Continuing Madness Of Kim Jong Il[25]

Website Of The Day: Eckernet[26]

  1. Hamas Leader Badly Hurt in Israeli Bombing (Applause): http://www.breitbart.com/news/2006/07/12/D8IQP2182.html
  2. Bomb Destroys Palestinian Foreign Ministry: http://www.breitbart.com/news/2006/07/12/D8IQO4SOO.html
  3. Wave of Violence in Baghdad Puts 3-Day Death Toll Past 100 (Free New York Time Reg Req): http://www.nytimes.com/2006/07/12/world/middleeast/12iraq.html?ex=1310356800&en=df6334c8fa983e88&ei=5088&partner=rssnyt&emc=rss
  4. Death Toll In Bombay Attacks Rises To 200: http://www.guardian.co.uk/worldlatest/story/0,,-5946713,00.html
  5. U.S. Planning Aid Push If Castro Goes: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/wn_report/story/434083p-365736c.html
  6. Nations Sending Iran To Security Council: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060712/ap_on_re_mi_ea/rice_iran
  7. Gorbachev: ‘Americans Have a Severe Disease’ (Whining From The Commie Who Led The Soviet Union To Defeat In The Cold War): http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/story?id=2182020&page=1&CMP=OTC-RSSFeeds0312
  8. Putin Rips Cheney’s Verbal ‘Hunting Shot’: http://apnews.myway.com/article/20060712/D8IQG56O1.html
  9. North Korea Sets Conditions For Return To Talks: http://today.reuters.com/news/newsarticle.aspx?type=topNews&storyid=2006-07-11T204051Z_01_PEK250289_RTRUKOC_0_US-KOREA-NORTH.xml&src=rss&rpc=22
  10. Russia Launches Inflatable Space Craft: http://newsmax.com/archives/ic/2006/7/12/115211.shtml?s=ic
  11. Administration Prods Congress to Curb the Rights of Detainees (Free New York Times Reg Req): http://www.nytimes.com/2006/07/13/washington/13gitmo.html?ei=5094&en=f2515595d4e590d6&hp=&ex=1152763200&partner=homepage&pagewanted=print
  12. Novak-Rove Exchange Lasted 20 Seconds: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060713/ap_on_go_ot/cia_leak_novak;_ylt=AlW33dfDdNTqXeEYS5NNqjis0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA2Z2szazkxBHNlYwN0bQ--
  13. Beyond the Poll Numbers, Voter Doubts About Clinton (Free WAPO Reg Req): http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/07/12/AR2006071201680_pf.html
  14. Ann Coulter: New York Times: Better Dead Than Read: http://www.humaneventsonline.com/article.php?id=16016&o=ANN001
  15. Michelle Malkin: ‘La Raza’ Schools — Your Tax Dollars At Work: http://jewishworldreview.com/michelle/malkin071206.php3
  16. James Lileks: Embracing A Sept. 10 Mentality: http://www.newhousenews.com/archive/lileks071106.html
  17. Herman Cain: One Culture, Indivisible: http://townhall.com/columnists/HermanCain/2006/07/12/one_culture,_indivisible
  18. Podcast: Glenn And Helen Reynolds Interview John McCain: http://instapundit.com/archives/031404.php
  19. Will Barry Bonds Be Indicted For Perjury?: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060712/ap_on_sp_ba_ne/bbo_bonds_steroids
  20. News From The Summer Seminar — The “Atlas Shrugged” Film: http://bidinotto.journalspace.com/?entryid=416
  21. Cold Rush To Drill Angers Scientists: http://www.smh.com.au/news/world/cold-rush-to-drill-angers-scientists/2006/07/12/1152637744536.html
  22. Paralyzed Man Moves Computer Cursor Through Thought: http://today.reuters.com/news/newsarticle.aspx?type=technologyNews&storyid=2006-07-12T172407Z_01_L12711624_RTRUKOC_0_US-SCIENCE-BRAIN.xml&src=rss&rpc=22
  23. Airwaves Again Safe for “South Park” Scientology Spoof: http://news.yahoo.com/s/eo/20060712/en_tv_eo/19480
  24. Video: The Snakes On A Plane Theme Song (Some Bad Language): http://youtube.com/watch?v=XV24FN4rDzE&search=cobra%20starship
  25. Humor: The Continuing Madness Of Kim Jong Il: http://www.imao.us/archives/005782.html
  26. Website Of The Day: Eckernet: http://www.eckernet.com/

Source URL: https://rightwingnews.com/uncategorized/daily-news-for-july-13-2006/