John Kerry: Lying about Vietnam Vets to make their lives better!

by Cassy Fiano | April 12, 2008 1:11 pm

Well, whaddya know. Apparently, accusing his fellow Vietnam war vets of raping, murdering, electrocuting, dismembering, torturing, mutilating, etc., innocent civilians was all because he just cared so gosh darn much. He wanted to bring about a policy change, darn it, and smearing his fellow soldiers was the best way to do it.

It’s just too bad that the rest of us idiots aren’t as learned as Jawn Carry is and couldn’t understand what he was trying to do.

From Kerry’s website:

John Kerry entered public life because of a burning desire to help people. Having seen bad decisions made in Washington that put too many people at risk in combat, he was determined to do better. Coming back from the Vietnam War, where he served two tours of duty and was highly decorated for bravery, he felt a responsibility to help his buddies still in Vietnam and all of the other servicemen there by working to bring about a change in policy in what was a war gone wrong.

Emphasis mine, of course.

Um… explain to me how blatantly lying about “his buddies” improved their situation in Vietnam, because I’m not seeing it. Frankly, John Kerry and his Winter Soldier friends could probably be charged with treason, because his actions stateside surely aided and emboldened the enemy.

And, if I’m correct, didn’t Kerry serve one tour of duty in Vietnam? Maybe I’m wrong here, but if memory serves me right, he was only in Vietnam once.

I guess when John Kerry, and liberals like him (hello, Barack Obama) smear you, lie about you, and deride you, you should just remind yourself that likely, it’s for your own good. They know better than you do. There’s a plan, people. We’re just too gosh darn stoopid to know what it is, so we should just trust in their infinite wisdom. Right?


Hat Tip: Blackfive

You can read more from Cassy at her blog. She also writes at Wizbang.

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