My Latest Pajama’s Media Column: Dear NBC Anchors: A Little Patriotism Wouldn’t Kill You….

by Melissa Clouthier | August 20, 2008 12:21 pm

My latest Pajama’s Media[1] column is called Dear NBC Anchors: A Little Patriotism Wouldn’t Kill You….. Here’s and excerpt from the column,

Being the typical American family — 2.1 kids, house in the burbs, yappy dog — the Olympic Games have been running in the background pretty much non-stop at our house. In the evening, after work, I settle down with everyone else and watch what Bob Costas and company have for me that night.

Maybe it’s just the fact that after three days both fish and avuncular TV anchors stink, but the NBC talking heads have gotten on my last olfactory nerve.

It’s the un-American accumulation of studied nonchalance that has been bothering me. I want these guys to care if America wins and demonstrate some love of country. It seems to be beyond them.

You can read it all here[2].

  1. Pajama’s Media:
  2. here:

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