Rick Santorum: I Was Wrong About Specter

by Sharon Soon | February 20, 2010 1:11 pm

In case I haven’t mentioned this a hundred times before, Rick Santorum is my favorite senator. From the war on terrorism – his more recent focus – to values to the cultural plagues of our society, I really believe he has full depth of understanding; even more significant is that he’s a politician who puts his principles before power and popularity.

Today, spent the majority of this time discussing the war on terror, which he believes the be America’s greatest threat and should be our greatest focus, for obvious reasons. Moreover, he pointed out that it wasn’t actually a war on “terror”:

We are at war with Islamists.

Not Muslims, not all Muslims. But those who are committed to destroying the United States and Western civilization.

Meanwhile, the two points that I found to be most notable are these:

Political correctness is reigning in America. I wish I could say it’s been just this administration, but it’s been reigning for a long, long time.

I’m not sure how many people realize was a dangerous, destructive concept this is. The PC police are the one and only fallback for the liberals. Political correctness if their only defense, but for some reason, it has worked every time. If Americans would just recognize the lie behind this feigned “correctness” and “tolerance”, liberals would no longer have any grounds upon which they could stand.

Regarding his endorsement of Arlen Specter, recent turncoat, for re-election to the Senate in 2004:

Against the advice of my wife, I endorsed Arlen Specter. I should have listened to my wife.

Poor guy. It’s a shame that he’s been forced to pay for his decision – which, by the way, I wholly believe was made sacrificially because he put personal loyalty above politics – with his political career for years, if not for the rest of his life.

Although I’m not the only one who thinks we’ll be seeing Santorum back on the national scene some day (hopefully sooner rather than later). The senator himself has express that he might even consider a presidential run in 2012 depending on who else decides to run. Today, a self-identified Republican precinct captain from Pennsylvania pledged her unwaivering support if he chose to run. His response? “Bless your heart.” How indicative of a geniunely humble individual who, although one time holding the third highest office in the Republican Party, showed no sign of self-importance – only concern for his country.

Did I mention that he’s my favorite senator?


  1. [Image]: http://www.gopusanj.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/rick-santorum.jpg

Source URL: https://rightwingnews.com/uncategorized/rick-santorum-i-was-wrong-about-specter/