Horror: Single Mom of Eight May Be Forced to Work

by Dave Blount | February 3, 2015 12:58 pm

It just isn’t fair. Marie Buchan did everything the liberal establishment encourages women to do: shunned work and marriage, repeatedly got herself impregnated by a nonwhite in accordance with political correctness, no doubt voted for Labour at every opportunity, unless should couldn’t go out because there was something good on the telly, et cetera. Yet look how the British government treats her:

A single mum-of-eight says new plans by David Cameron to reduce the benefits cap from £26,000 to £23,000 will lead to SUICIDES.

£23,000 = $34,730. The money is stolen from the last vestigial working Britons.

Marie Buchan is looking for her first-ever job because of proposed new Government benefit cuts – and complains: “I’m being forced into work.”

She says the proposals could leave her young family on the breadline as she will be £58 a week worse off.

Marie, 33, from Selly Oak, has made an appointment with the Jobcentre in a bid to find part-time work to boost her income.

For generations now, Western governments have paid the likes of Marie Buchan to proliferate like rodents, offering them cash incentives to do it out of wedlock. A massive nuclear attack would have caused less profound damage.

Buchan and her brood.

On a tip from Henry. Hat tip: The Political Insider. Cross-posted at Moonbattery.

Source URL: https://rightwingnews.com/welfare/horror-single-mom-eight-may-forced-work/