Ouch! Environmental News Site Calls Democrats “Notorious Terrorist Group”

It’s all in the context, baby, all in the context, as Mother Nature Network lays it out (and, if they happen to see this post, will go “oh, shat”)

There’s really nothing positive about the Gulf Oil spill, which has spilled over 102 million gallons and counting into the Gulf of Mexico. But a recent story out of the Gulf shows that even the darkest tales can shine a light on a more positive one. The Biloxi Sun Herald reports that reformed Ku Klux Klan member George Malvaney has taken a key role in the Gulf cleanup. Once a convicted white supremacist mercenary, Malvaney now supervises cleanup as the chief operating officer of the BP subcontractor U.S. Environmental Services.

George Malvaney was convicted as a KKK mercenary over thirty years ago. The Ku Klux Klan was initially founded in the 1860s by disgruntled Confederate army veterans but more or less died out by the 1870s. It found a second life in the 20th Century, serving as a notorious terrorist organization against minorities. The modern Klan is thought to be composed of several independent chapters across the United States, and it was one of these chapters which recruited George Malvaney.

And who were the primary members of the KKK? That’s right, Democrats! Heck, the Democrats have a former member sitting in the Senate. And, really, other than the violence, is there all that much difference between today’s Democrat Party and the KKK? Both put groups in boxes based on race and religion. Neither particularly cares for people of the Jewish faith. Both make horrible remarks about people based on their ethnicity and religion. Both have tried to restrict legal immigration (mostly from Asia, in particular, China). Both had/have policies that keep minorities in segregated communities. Both were against the Civil Rights Act. Both were against anti-lynching laws.

The difference is, the Democrat Party changed itself up so that now, instead of being directly abusive to minorities and religious groups (well, I suppose they are still abusive to Christian religious groups), they pander to minority groups as somehow not being capable enough to get it done themselves, and keep their lives under the banner of the federal government. Indirectly abusive, and their policies make themselves look beneficent.

(PS: this post only reflects my opinion)

Crossed at Pirate’s Cove. Follow me on Twitter @WilliamTeach

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