HuffPost: Right Wing Anger Brewing

Make mine a decaf, please: ‘Watermelon Roll’: More Racism from ‘Team Sarah’

There is something very ugly happening out there in the hinterlands these days–a brewing cauldron of racist anger being directed at President-elect Barack Obama as he and his family get ready to move into the White House. It’s a mean-spirited bigotry that is finding its way onto the internet and right-wing blogs across the country. It makes for a troubling portrait of a significant cross-section of the American polity as Obama prepares to take the oath of office as the 44th President of these United States.

If y’all want a good laugh, read the rest of the unhinged post, in which a few ugly comments are excerpted. Give me 20 minutes, I’ll find hundreds of unhinged Liberal comments and posts from many sites, including the Huffington Post.

reckon that the use of the word “hinterland” is rather bigoted and mean spirited, meant to disparage those who do not live in Blue enclaves on the coasts. Or something like that. I suspect that Geoffrey Dunn is just upset that he can’t get pregnant and abort the “fetus.”

(See yesterday’s post by McQ for more Liberal humor)

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