John Edwards To Suspend Campaign

Generally, I don’t have much of anything nice to say about John Edwards. However, I do think he has shown some character by suspending his campaign because his wife’s cancer is out of remission.

It would have been very easy for Edwards to say, “I’m one of the top tier contenders for the Democrats, I don’t have time to take a few weeks off, and the show must go on.” But, he didn’t do that. Instead, he’s taking some time off to look after his wife. Even if he takes just a couple of weeks off, that’s still a classy move.

In any case, my hope is that Elizabeth Edwards’ cancer goes back into remission soon and that Edwards continues his campaign. We may not agree on the issues, but we are fellow Americans and fellow human beings, so we should be charitable enough of spirit to hope for good health for our opponents across the aisle. With that in mind, I wish all the best to Elizabeth Edwards, John Edwards, and their family and friends.

Update #1: The Politico is now saying that they blew the story,

“A single, confident source close to John Edwards told me this morning that Edwards was “suspending his campaign,” and I posted it to the blog at 11:06 this morning.

My source, and I, were wrong.

…My apologies to our readers for passing on bad information.”

So Edwards is not suspending his campaign. I guess he figured, “I’m one of the top tier contenders for the Democrats, I don’t have time to take a few weeks off, and the show must go on.”

That’s understandable and I’d encourage people not to judge John Edwards too harshly for making that decision. After all, it’s not as if he’s going to make his wife get better any faster by standing over her shoulder every day.

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