Carson Fades After Paris Bombing; Trump, Cruz Surge

In the wake of the ISIS attacks, Donald Trump has moved to a clear lead over Ben Carson and the rest of the GOP field.

Dick Morris 3

Carson’s laidback style and his reluctance to use force against terrorism — he said that he would not have sent troops to Afghanistan after 9/11 — is costing him support in the post-Paris, post-debate polling.

In the six polls before the Nov. 10 GOP debate and the Paris attacks on Nov. 13, Trump and Carson were tied at an average of 24 points each. In two polls since — by Bloomberg and PPP — Trump averages 25 percent while Carson fades to 20 percent.

In the aftermath of the debate and the terror attacks, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio have both gained with the Texan doubling his vote share from an average of only 6 percent beforehand to 12 percent afterwards. Rubio also rose, but only from 11 percent to 12.5 percent.

Bush continues to languish in the second tier. Before the debate/attacks, he registered 6 percent in national polls and he has stayed there after them.

The surveys confirm the view that the race has boiled down to the final four: Trump, Carson, Rubio and Cruz.

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Trump Should Seize the Moment

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