SICK: Trump Graphically Stabbed to Death in NYC Performance

SICK: Trump Graphically Stabbed to Death in NYC Performance

Just disgusting. There’s nothing preventing this kind of heinous free speech, but it does give rise to the incitement of violence against a sitting President of the United States. Shakespeare in the Park performed Julius Caesar on May 23rd in Central Park… starring someone who deliberately resembles President Donald Trump. So, another depiction of stabbing the President to death. These people are evil and vile in the extreme.

The production featured House of Cards star Corey Stoll in its cast. Shame on him. I fail to see parallels between the Roman dictator and Trump. Wasn’t it Barack Obama who had the Greek/Roman pillars behind him as he ascended to the Presidency? I think they have their presidents confused. The Public Theater’s website describes the Roman leader as “Magnetic, populist, irreverent,” and “bent on absolute power.” The description also notes that a “small band of patriots, devoted to the country’s democratic traditions, must decide how to oppose him.” Do tell… pretext to subversion and revolution y’all.

From Mediaite:

Shakespeare in the Park, an annual summer program by The Public Theater that puts on plays by William Shakespeare in Central Park, kicked off May 23 with a performance of Julius Caesar.

But this rendition of Shakespeare’s tragedy comes with a twist — Caesar is played by a character that bears a striking resemblance to President Donald Trump.

Shakespeare in the Park, an annual summer program by The Public Theater that puts on plays by William Shakespeare in Central Park, kicked off May 23 with a performance of Julius Caesar.

But this rendition of Shakespeare’s tragedy comes with a twist — Caesar is played by a character that bears a striking resemblance to President Donald Trump.

According to Playbill, The Public Theater’s Oskar Eustis directed the Trump-inspired take on the classic political drama, which boasts famed stage actor John Douglas Thompson and House of Cards star Corey Stoll in its cast.

The choice of Julius Caesar for the annual program is one dripping with subtext, chosen deliberately for the supposed parallels between the Roman dictator and Trump. A description of the play on The Public Theater’s website states that “Shakespeare’s political masterpiece has never felt more contemporary.”

Wonder which friends they will choose to stab Trump/Caesar to death on the Senate floor? Laura Sheaffer, a sales manager at Salem Media who attended a performance of Julius Caesar described the Trump-inspired performance thusly:

“The actor playing Caesar was dressed in a business suit, with a royal blue tie, hanging a couple inches below the belt line, with reddish-blonde hair — just like Trump,” Sheaffer told Mediaite.

“I always go to Shakespeare in the park, but I wasn’t expecting to see this,” Sheaffer said, adding that the script was mostly loyal to the original Shakespeare, and that there was no explicit reference to the American president, though the intention was “blatantly obvious.”

In the scene before Caesar is killed off, his wife Calpurnia begs him to stay away from the Senate, claiming she is having nightmares of his murder. According to Sheaffer, the actress playing Calpurnia bore a resemblance to First Lady Melania Trump. She even had a “Slavic accent.” Sheaffer also said of the scene where the actor playing Trump/Caesar steps out of a bathtub stark naked, that it struck her as disrespectful and a “mockery of the office of the President.” Why, yes it is.

In the following scene, Trump/Caesar is attacked by the Senators and stabbed to death as an American flag hovers overhead, according to Sheaffer. “They had the full murder scene onstage, and blood was spewing everywhere out of his body. To be honest I thought it was shocking and distasteful,” Sheaffer continued. “If this had happened to any other president — even as recently as Barack Obama or George W. Bush — it would not have flown. People would have been horrified. I mean it was the on-stage murder of the president of the United States,” she said. Exactly right. It’s just outrageous.

The message is clear here… if you don’t support President Trump, it’s okay to assassinate him. Hello, Secret Service? “I don’t love President Trump, but he’s the President. You can’t assassinate him on a stage,” Sheaffer said. Ah, but they did and no one said a peep except Sheaffer. Just like Kathy Griffin’s vile stunt, this goes way, way, way too far and they should have to answer for it.

Terresa Monroe-Hamilton

Terresa Monroe-Hamilton is an editor and writer for Right Wing News. She owns and blogs at She is a Constitutional Conservative and NoisyRoom focuses on political and national issues of interest to the American public. Terresa is the editor at Trevor Loudon's site, New Zeal - She also does research at You can email Terresa here. NoisyRoom can be found on Facebook and on Twitter.

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