Liberals Outraged Over JK Rowling Supposedly Doing This…

Liberals Outraged Over JK Rowling Supposedly Doing This…

When Liberals attack Liberals, it’s hard for the Left to know who to root for! In an oh-so-trendy accusation of cultural appropriation, the Progressives are attacking one of their own. It’s hilarious to watch. Read on for details.

From Louder with Crowder:

File this one under “when reality is so far beyond parody, you’re note entirely convinced that it’s reality anymore”. Now, no one is going to accuse JK Rowling of being anything other than an uber liberal. Which is why it’s all the more hysterical to watch the left cannibalize themselves over her … wait for it … CULTURAL APPROPRIATION!

The activists are irked that Rowling had the audacity to use figures from Native American mythology in a short story about the founding of a school of wizardry in 17th-century Massachusetts by a “colonialist” interloper on the continent.

Rowling’s innocent fable about an orphan from Ireland starting the first school for non-Muggles in the New World was met with howls of derision from those who accused her of deviously appropriating Native American culture to sell her books.

“Now we see white folk create a magic institution that consumes native knowledge while erasing the natives,” William J. Richardson, self-described as a Ph.D candidate at Northwestern University studying settler colonialism, tweeted.

How about Liberals stop appropriating the culture of the Spanish Inquisition and refrain from making themselves judge, jury and executioner of all who don’t adhere to their outlandish beliefs. Write on Ms. Rowling, we may not love your politics but we love your stories! Don’t let the Grand Inquisitors get you down.

Sonja Bochow

I live in Newark, DE, am married, and the mother of four children; Liam, Brenna, Keira and Erin. I am also a full time Bible teacher and have a Bachelor of Arts in Communication from West Chester University.

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