Bummer: Marijuana Is Really Bad For “Climate Change”

Of course, pretty much everything of Mankind’s is Bad for climate change, according to Warmists. Gumball Brains emailed me a picture the other day, showing that Pirate’s Cove appears on a map in the Lego Movie. What are Lego’s made from? ABS plastic, which includes coal and petroleum hydrocarbon, so, yeah, fossil fuels, bad for climate. And your bare feet if you step on them.

Anyhow, yeah, pot is bad, per Mother Jones

24 Mind-Blowing Facts About Marijuana Production in America

You thought your pot came from environmentally conscious hippies? Think again. The way marijuana is grown in America, it turns out, is anything but sustainable and organic.

Here are a few choice graphics from the post

And water use is Bad for “climate change”, because we will all live in a drought world (except for those in a flood world), and water is non-renewable in Warmist World

Remember, fridges, especially those with ice makers, are bad, too, because of electricity usage and the coolants.

That’s a lot of energy, hence, bad for “climate change”.

Uh oh. Big “carbon footprint”. That’s the equivalent of 2.087 metric tons. The average world CF is 4 metric tons. People in third world nations average around 2mts. Tsk, tsk. Pot growing in the US is also equivalent to driving 3 million cars yearly.

And, of course, beer is also bad, because it contains CO2 and produces CO2 during the fermentation process. And that looks like an evil incandescent light bulb!

So, essentially, states that allow marijuana use are Bad for “climate change”, especially Colorado, and, according to Warmist doctrine, everyone should be arrested and thrown in jail.

Crossed at Pirate’s Cove. Follow me on Twitter @WilliamTeach.

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