Climategate: So The Raw Data WAS Manipulated

Latest charge: The CRU cooked data from Russia, specifically and especially Siberia.Absolutely shocking:

They specifically state that lack of measurement is not the cause. If they claim the full set of Russian data does NOT support global warming, imagine how different the bright red dot over Russia would look. Again the accusation is completely believable, yet is completely unverifiable because CRU has refused to release the data. This data and code release is the subject of illegal blocking of FOIA’s is one of the keys in the Climategate emials. We need to know the list of stations used and we must have copies of the raw data.

This is a very powerful accusation, which if true could change much about the climate science debate. Many papers are based on this dataset which has the highest trend of the major ground datasets.

More here.

I’m thinking that the Russians may have been behind this info leak after all.

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