Warmist Bill Nye Super Happy To Take A Fossil Fueled Flight For Earth Day

Yet another case of “do as I say, not as I do”

(Daily Caller) Bill Nye believes global warming is the greatest threat humanity faces — but apparently not great enough to make him think twice about taking an awesome Earth Day ride on Air Force One.

The self-proclaimed “science guy” took to Twitter Tuesday to brag to his over 2 million followers that he will be polluting the atmosphere with more carbon dioxide by joining President Barack Obama on an Earth Day trip on the presidential jumbo jet.

Obama and Nye will be flying Air Force One down to the Florida Everglades Wednesday to highlight what the White House believes is the threat global warming poses to the national park. As The Daily Caller News Foundation reported last year, a presidential visit to New York City on Air Force One to attend a United Nations summit likely contributed nearly as much carbon dioxide to the atmosphere as 22 Americans emit in an entire year, when you take into account all that goes along with a presidential visit.

This kind of hypocrisy is, sadly, about as routine as reading about an illegal alien committing a serious crime. They want Everyone Else to be forced to give up use of fossil fuels, primarily by making fossil fuels very, very expensive, along with their whole “divestment” movement. But, hey, at least they don’t make messes during an Earth Day concert, right?

They actually put their trash (which includes many things, such as plastic bottles and styrofoam, which are proclaimed as being Bad for “climate change”) around the garbage cans this time, so progress! Much more at Twitchy.

Crossed at Pirate’s Cove. Follow me on Twitter @WilliamTeach.

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