Louis discussed Lucifer, Lies and Lust: The Dark Reality of Muslim Paradise

This special edition of The Glazov Gang presents The Louis Lionheart Moment with Louis Lionheart, a scholar of Islam and Christian preacher who is the Founder of TruthDefenders.com.


Louis discussed Lucifer, Lies and Lust: The Dark Reality of Muslim Paradise, unveiling what Jihadists are killing and dying for.

Don’t miss it!

[ot-video type=”youtube” url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HfzvQb1Mnmo&feature=youtu.be”]

And make sure to watch Louis discuss Muslim Woman Attacks Christian Preacher, in which he shares the incident that occurred with him when he dared to tell the truth about Mohammed and Aisha. (Video clip of the assault is played in the program):

[ot-video type=”youtube” url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AcYxEHAUkDA&feature=youtu.be”]

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