BIZARRE Situation In This Small Town Is Being Called The “HAIRY PANIC”- You’ve Got To See This!

BIZARRE Situation In This Small Town Is Being Called The “HAIRY PANIC”- You’ve Got To See This!

They have a teeny weeny problem in a small town in Australia this year… they have been overrun with the “hairy panic.” A weed that is a form of tumble weed and very invasive. They believe it is coming from a field that is not being tended to by a farmer. The weeds massively overtake a yard and can take eight hours to clean up. Then the next day, they are back all over again. Estate owners have asked their association to take action, but they claim it is not a fire risk. You’re kidding right? That’s a huge fire hazard and a ticking time bomb. The “hairy panic” is the worst this year that they have ever seen.


From Three Percenter Nation:

A small rural town in Australia has become virtually overrun by an overgrown tumbleweed known locally as “hairy panic,” and it quite literally has some residents in a panic — one of many things in Australia to do so.

According to the The U.K. Guardian, the inland farming city of Wangaratta, located in the southeastern province of Victoria, suffers outbreaks of the swiftly-growing perennial weed every year, but this summer has been the worst by far.

I feel for these homeowners. Not only is it a fire risk, a whole bunch of unpleasant critters that Australia is home to could smuggle themselves in using it as cover and a person wouldn’t know it until it was too late. They are now considering giant vacuums to suck away the weeds faster and more efficiently, so they aren’t spread even further. The problem has been caused by massive rainfall followed by uber dry conditions. Frustrated residents say they have spent hours each day clearing the weeds, with piles at times reaching roof height. Now the council says it is considering attaching large vacuums to street sweepers to deal with the problem. How would they get those into the yards? Just asking. Residents are also going to be provided with bins to compost the weed. Not sure that’s a great idea, but whatever. Seems to me you would spread the seeds in the compost. The “hairy panic” can cause a potentially fatal condition called “yellow big head” in sheep if eaten in large quantities. I wish them luck in getting rid of the weeds. We have our own invasive spotted spurge where I live and it is the dickens to kill off and get rid of.


Terresa Monroe-Hamilton

Terresa Monroe-Hamilton is an editor and writer for Right Wing News. She owns and blogs at She is a Constitutional Conservative and NoisyRoom focuses on political and national issues of interest to the American public. Terresa is the editor at Trevor Loudon's site, New Zeal - She also does research at You can email Terresa here. NoisyRoom can be found on Facebook and on Twitter.

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