Granddaughter of NYC Pizzeria Boss Plunges to Her Death While Jumping Rooftops with Friends

Granddaughter of NYC Pizzeria Boss Plunges to Her Death While Jumping Rooftops with Friends

This is just tragic. Natalia Jimenez, the 15 year-old daughter of a NYC pizzeria boss in Hell’s Kitchen, went roof jumping with friends. She didn’t make her last jump and plunged six stories to her death. She was found in an alley and rushed to the hospital where she was pronounced dead. She was with two friends when it happened. I wonder how bored you have to be to risk your life like that… but kids do stuff and sometimes they get killed while doing it. Multiple Famous Original Ray’s Pizza locations belong to the teen’s grandfather. Sources revealed to the TV station that the trio were told by a person who lived in the building to get off of the roof. Well, that’s one way.

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From the Daily Mail:

New rooftop pictures reveal the shocking risk the 15-year-old granddaughter of an NYC pizzeria boss took as she jumped from building to building with friends before falling to her death.

Natalia Jimenez was found in an alley off in the Hell’s Kitchen neighborhood of Manhattan on Friday afternoon.

Police say she and two friends jumped at least three rooftops before they turned to go back to a building and she fell five stories and plunged down an air shaft between the two buildings.

Area resident Leslie Rodriguez told the New York Daily News: ‘It was a big thump.’ I’ll bet… just horrible. She evidently slipped on the concrete tiles that line the rooftops there. The teen had been scampering over rooftops with two female friends, both 14, cops said. But she lost her footing when she tried to climb a slight incline onto the ledge at 699 10th Ave., police sources said. Witnesses heard a loud smash — before seeing Jimenez’s body at the bottom of the gritty shaft. Her two friends wept as emergency responders carried Jimenez’s body from the building in a black bag, a witness said. Investigators could be seen late Friday examining a gaping hole in the mesh netting between the two buildings where the teen tripped. Here come the lawsuits. The girl was afraid of heights and I’m betting this was a dare gone terribly wrong. Her grandfather, Rosalino Mangano, said “She was the best little girl in New York.”

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Terresa Monroe-Hamilton

Terresa Monroe-Hamilton is an editor and writer for Right Wing News. She owns and blogs at She is a Constitutional Conservative and NoisyRoom focuses on political and national issues of interest to the American public. Terresa is the editor at Trevor Loudon's site, New Zeal - She also does research at You can email Terresa here. NoisyRoom can be found on Facebook and on Twitter.

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