Hollywood Marxists Support Palestinian Terrorists: ‘Gaza Stands with Baltimore’ [Video]

Hollywood Marxists Support Palestinian Terrorists: ‘Gaza Stands with Baltimore’ [Video]

Both Trevor Loudon and I wrote on this some time ago. That those such as Black Lives Matter and the Occupy movement were hooking up with the Palestinians and you are seeing it come out in the open now. That old commie, Danny Glover, and other Hollywood celebs are hearting the killers in Gaza. Equating their plight with Ferguson and Baltimore. They are putting forth that cops are killing blacks constantly… that New Orleans was the fault of cops and whites… Israelis are burning poor Islamists to death… and on and on. One lie after another. Palestinian terrorists have been on a killing rampage for the last couple of weeks in Israel, stabbing, shooting and ramming cars into innocent Jews. Then when the Israelis retaliate, they scream persecution. It’s sickening.

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From Gateway Pundit:


A Palestinian terrorist went on a deadly rampage this week.

The killer rammed his car into a bus stop and stabbed the Jews waiting for a bus.

Faux Victims2

Hollywood liberals support this.

Faux Victims3

Liberal activists released a video this week in support of the #BlackLivesMatter mob and the Palestinian killers.

Hollywood liberals also support the fake Black Lives Matter movement that was based on several lies.
“Hands Up!”

This video is vile. It shows the mindset of the Black Lives Matter group, the New Black Panthers and the Nation of Islam. It shows that the Occupy movement is still alive and the communists are behind all of this. The Hollywood liberals are eating this up. They are anti-Semites and racists. They are cuddling with mass murderers and smiling over it. This is what much of Hollywood has become and it is monstrous. Especially since there are many Jews in the midst of this, which is insane. Look no further than the Democrat Party for state sponsored terrorism. Oh wait, they are full of communists too. I detect a trend.

Terresa Monroe-Hamilton

Terresa Monroe-Hamilton is an editor and writer for Right Wing News. She owns and blogs at NoisyRoom.net. She is a Constitutional Conservative and NoisyRoom focuses on political and national issues of interest to the American public. Terresa is the editor at Trevor Loudon's site, New Zeal - trevorloudon.com. She also does research at KeyWiki.org. You can email Terresa here. NoisyRoom can be found on Facebook and on Twitter.

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