Prominent Muslim: White men should kill themselves & white women need Muslim men to “fertilize them”

Prominent Muslim: White men should kill themselves & white women need Muslim men to “fertilize them”

According to one prominent Muslim in Australia, the men there are too busy smoking, drinking beer and taking drugs to produce offspring. He says the solution is to let Muslims keep Australia women happy and fertilized, surrounded by lots of Muslim babies. He also says that white men should kill themselves. He says that Australia will be gradually Islamisized. First off, I don’t believe that even remotely. But say it were true… I’d rather see humans die off in numbers than subjugate themselves to the religion of peace.

Who the hell does this guy think he is, talking to women like this? What an asshat. Mohamed Elmouelhy has since deleted the post, but not before it was saved for posterity. I guess he then tried to poke the badger by explaining himself. He claims that he was trying to “stir the bigots” who had allegedly attacked his Facebook page “using all manner of expletives and attacks possible including promises of physical attacks etc.” Threatening to rape and impregnate Australian women should really endear him to the men down under, as well as the women.

From Breitbart:

White Australians will be extinct within 40 years because Australian men are too busy smoking, drinking beer and taking drugs to procreate, a Muslim businessman has warned.

Halal certification chief Mohamed Elmouelhy told his Facebook followers the solution to this perceived demographic crisis for Australian women is for Muslim men to “fertilise them” and “keep them surrounded by Muslim babies” as part of what he foresees as the gradual Islamisation of Australia.

His observation was in response to a study by researchers from the Hebrew University, published in the journal Human Reproduction Update, which found declining fertility rates among men in North America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand.

“Your men are a dying breed, Australian women need us to fertilise them and keep them surrounded by Muslim babies while beer swilling, cigarette smoking, drug injecting can only dream of what Muslim men are capable of,” he said.

“Muslims have a duty to make your women happy.”

“Last night Facelessbook deleted the post, yet venomous messages devoid of any humour addressed to me about Islam remain published,” he whined. “You can see other messages from the bigots on other posts I have.” Considering this guy is a stone cold bigot himself, I don’t feel sorry for him in the least. He went back to Facebook to post an even longer scree on how Australia’s future was now tied to Islam. “It will [sic] mandatory for all women to wear hijab or burka if they prefer, bikinis will be displayed in Museums but not on nubile bodies anymore,” he wrote. This guy should go know himself in the biblical sense. That will never happen.

“When that happens everything in Australia will be Halal certified. Bigots and pigs will be declared Haram and must not be approached or touched, they can live together in reserves. There will be a Halal butcher on every corner, all other butchers will be offered to convert to Halal or given [sic] a passage back to where their ancestors came from.” He’s talking about concentration camps for non-Muslims and killing those who do not adhere to the teachings of the Quran. Muslims are 2.6 percent of the Australian population and if they feel like this, they should get the hell out.

Terresa Monroe-Hamilton

Terresa Monroe-Hamilton is an editor and writer for Right Wing News. She owns and blogs at She is a Constitutional Conservative and NoisyRoom focuses on political and national issues of interest to the American public. Terresa is the editor at Trevor Loudon's site, New Zeal - She also does research at You can email Terresa here. NoisyRoom can be found on Facebook and on Twitter.

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