Lord’s Prayer Adapted for Venezuela’s Version of Hope & Change

Under Obama’s successor, will representatives of the State offer prayers to Obama? It’s not as unlikely as you might think, considering how closely the USA has been following in the footsteps of Venezuela:

A member of Venezuela’s Socialist Party has rolled out a variation of the classic Christian “Lord’s Prayer” to implore beloved late leader Hugo Chavez for protection from the evils of capitalism.

“Our Chavez who art in heaven, the earth, the sea and we delegates,” red-shirted delegate Maria Estrella Uribe recited on Monday at the PSUV party Congress.

“Hallowed be your name, may your legacy come to us so we can spread it to people here and elsewhere. Give us your light to guide us every day,” she said in front of an image of Chavez.

“Lead us not into the temptation of capitalism, deliver us from the evil of the oligarchy, like the crime of contraband, because ours is the homeland, the peace and life forever and ever. Amen. Viva Chavez!” she exclaimed to applause.

The blasphemy level almost tops gay marriage. Liberals are sure to introduce a similar prayer in Congress after the Moonbat Messiah has gone off to that great collective farm in the sky.

If not for socialism, Venezuelans would be wealthy. Their country has the largest proven oil reserves in the world. Yet Chavez and his successors have mired them in poverty. For this, moonbats worship Chavez, just as they will continue to worship Obama if he succeeds at doing to America what Chavez did to Venezuela.

A reminder that leftism is a religion.

On tips from Bodhisattva and Artfldgr. Cross-posted at Moonbattery.

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