KKK Faces Off With New Black Panther Group in Heated, Competing Rallies in South Carolina

KKK Faces Off With New Black Panther Group in Heated, Competing Rallies in South Carolina

The KKK counter protested a black unity rally in South Carolina over the Confederate flag, and what happened next will shock you.  Actually, no it won’t…


The KKK was there to protest the July 10 removal of the Confederate flag at the Statehouse, which occurred in the wake of a massacre at a black church in Charleston that claimed the lives of nine people in June.

About 50 members descended on the Capitol steps waving the rebel banners — at least one of which included a Nazi symbol — and immediately began shouting racial slurs at attendees of an earlier “Countering the Attack on Black Unity Rally.” Those protesters were moved behind barricades, a distance away from the Statehouse steps, where they yelled back at the pro-Confederate flag group.

The network added that the earlier rally included members of Black Lawyers for Justice and Black Educators for Justice, a Florida organization with links to the New Black Panther Party. About 200 had gathered as speakers at a podium shouted, “Black power!”

There were five arrests once the KKK arrived.  Charges ranged from disorderly conduct to assault.

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