Man Leaves Donation to Church, but It’s the Message Scrawled on Envelope Getting Attention

You’d be surprised what you find in the collection plate.  In this case, it was a very touching note from a homeless man…


Following Sunday’s service, pastor Patrick Hamrick found an envelope containing 18 cents.

“After the service we have a couple of people called counters who process the offerings and put them in our safe,” he told ABC News. “The secretary called me over and in the envelope was a dime, a nickel, and three cents. That was the 18 cents. We flipped it over and the note was there.”

Scrawled on the outside of the envelope was a note that said, “Please don’t be mad. I don’t have much. I’m homeless. God Bless.”

Hammock spoke to the man and said he and the church were very touched by it. The man wished to remain anonymous, keeping the donation between him and God.

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