ONE THING Both Democrats and Republicans AGREE ON,Michelle Obama’s Lunches SUCK! So THIS Is Happening Now…

ONE THING Both Democrats and Republicans AGREE ON,Michelle Obama’s Lunches SUCK! So THIS Is Happening Now…

Schools and children have been rejecting Michelle’s lunched ever since she came up with them…and it got attention, because kids, don’t choose sides, they just tell the truth…and their truth was…Michelle’s lunches SUCK! So both Democrats and Republicans decided to look into the fuss…and found, they agreed.

The republicans and the democrats finally found something they agree on. They both think Michelle Obama’s lunches suck. Sen. Debbie Stabenow a Democrat from Michigan, and Pat Robert of Kansas worked on the bill together and it rolls back Michelle’s (Poorly named) Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act. School kids all across the nation have been rejecting Michelle’s lunches since the moment they began.

Here are a sew examples:





Of course the Obama children attend Sidwell Friends School. They don’t get to eat such hearty and healthy meals.

Here are some actual photos of lunches served there. They are forced to eat unhealthy food like this:




The bill working it’s way through the Senate is a five year bill, that rolls back the Michelle mandate that schools must use whole grain food at least 80% of the time. Many kids simply do not like whole grain pasta. If they don’t it, they won’t eat it. It’s hard to concentrate on quantum physics on an empty stomach and there are no atheists in advanced calculus classes on test day.

The bill will also slow down the schedule for the elimination of salt. The bill has the support of the School Nutrition Association,, an organization that represents about 55,000 school cafeteria workers across the country.

Just what in the world was SHE THINKING?! How do these lunches even compute to healthy in her head? SHE HAD ONE THING TO DO! ONE THING!

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