Putin vs. Obama Perfectly Compared in 10 BRUTAL Pictures

Putin vs. Obama Perfectly Compared in 10 BRUTAL Pictures

People have been having fun at the President’s expense, and The Federalist Papers Project was particularly brutal…

Putin vs. Obama Perfectly Compared in 10 BRUTAL Pictures

You can check out the rest of the photos here. They are hysterical.

Here’s the part that’s not funny…

Putin’s message at the U.N. podium Monday was a simple one: U.S. interventions and unilateralism have backfired in the Middle East, and it is time to try something new.

His speech will do little to undercut a widespread impression in many Western capitals that his aim in Syria is not just to bolster a Moscow ally but, primarily, to thwart U.S. power and influence in the Middle East.

Putin took particular aim at U.S. involvement in Iraq and Libya, which he said fostered a power vacuum filled with “extremists and terrorists.”

“Do you realize now what you’ve done?” he asked.

No, I don’t think any Obama voters realize.

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