Sharia Law says it’s okay to ‘beat’ your wife ‘lightly’

Sharia Law says it’s okay to ‘beat’ your wife ‘lightly’

Quran approved discipline from Muslim husband to his wife (also children);
Strike her;
Beat her;
Scourge her;
Smite her;
In one part it suggests to stop beating her if she starts to obey whilst beating her. Also, in another part is suggests to beat her only lightly.

Quran Text

Quran 004.034 Beat your wife

For reference CLICK HERE

Quran Text

Quran 038.044 Smite your wife with a  branch

For reference CLICK HERE

In UAE courts a couple years ago a man was found guilty under Sharia law because while beating his wife was approved, beating her too severely was frowned upon. He had busted her lip and teeth and beat his 23-yr old daughter who was too old to be beaten as his child.: So some courts will defend a Muslim woman if she was beaten too much in their opinion, how um uh… just of them?

See also,
Unreal: Muslim Baby Raper Tries to Kidnap 4-Year-Old Girl, Judge Excuses on “Cultural Differences”

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