Olympian Athlete Stops Interview To Honor The US On World Stage [VIDEO]

Olympian Athlete Stops Interview To Honor The US On World Stage [VIDEO]

It’s amazing what a show of respect to our Nation can do for Americans. It clears the air and brings a calm. In the last week we have witnessed others’ irreverence toward our nation’s anthem and heard words speaking against our blue lives from those that are suppose to be representing our country there at the Olympics.


This story, is not one of those. This athlete has set the example of what it should look like to be a representative of the United States of America, yet, he isn’t even American. This man deserves our adoration. As he is a reminder to less than grateful Americans, of what respect looks like.

Jamaican gold medal sprinter Usain Bolt interrupted a post-race interview on Sunday with a Mexican reporter to listen to the US National Anthem.

This is man whose character really shines. Even after the anthem was complete and the interviewer wanted to call him a legend… his humble demeanor and hard work ethic refused to accept such a title. Not until he can reach his ultimate goal. That’s the spirit of a true champion.

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