Actress Celebrates Young Son Disrespecting National Anthem – She’s PROUD Of Him [VIDEO]

Actress Celebrates Young Son Disrespecting National Anthem – She’s PROUD Of Him [VIDEO]

Actress Debra Messing is shaping up to be an awful parent. She is teaching her son to believe movements that were started on lies and propaganda. She shared an Instagram image where her son doesn’t stand for the National Anthem at a hockey game they were attending together.

The vapid “Will & Grace” star expressed her affirmation of the decision in the social media share. She paraphrased their conversation in the text portion of her Instagram post.

Messing wrote that her son Roman asked her if he could sit down for the National Anthem to show solidarity or something.

“Whose crying?” she wrote. “I’m not crying.”

The post ended with a hashtag #BLM. Gosh lady, you are teaching your son that this country is inherently racist, that black people are being hunted by cops in the country and that your son should feel guilty only for the color of his skin, as if he had anything to do with past or injustices in the country. What an awful mother. This kid deserves better.

You should be crying. You are the useful idiots that are needed to fuel these kind of hate based movements. If anyone is under the impression that Black Lives Matter is anything more than racial division and hatred in the country, they are seriously delusional.

Of course, this post sparked outrage on both sides of the debate.

“Listen,” one Instagram user wrote, “there is no one that hates the state our country is in more than me, but sitting down is disrespectful to those who fought (and are fighting everyday) for you and your son’s rights — put things in context, there are other meaningful ways to make a difference.”

Messing has a history of supporting this nonsensical movement before. She showed social media support of Colin Kaepernick because she apparently has the IQ of a pair of tweezers. She also tweeted out how much she loved Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) when she took a kneel on the House floor in “solidarity” with the NFL protesters.

“Teary…this is amazing,” Messing said in her tweet.

She was also an outspoken critic of the wrongly coined “Muslim ban,” posting a “solidarity selfie” on her social media platforms. This is why she gets paid to have someone else tell her what to say. There is whole bunch of hot air in between her ears.

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