Teacher Caught Having Sex With Young Student… SEE THE PHOTOS [VIDEO]

Teacher Caught Having Sex With Young Student… SEE THE PHOTOS [VIDEO]

An Iowa teacher who was involved in previous abusive relationships says that her past relationships are to blame for her relationship with a 17 year-old boy. Mary Haglin, 24, was arrested on July 22nd and accused of statutory rape of a high school student while she subbed for a high school in Cedar Rapids. Not only does she blame her inappropriate relationship on abusive relationships, she went as far as to blame it on the school as well for allowing the “friendship” to take place.

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From Heavy.com:

In an interview with KGAN-TV, Haglin said: “These people all knew what was going on, and yet hey turned a blind eye because they wanted to protect their school. They didn’t want it to get into the limelight.” She told the station that the relationship began in October 2015. Haglin continued, “They allowed this to happen. 2016-07-28 09_43_41-Mary Beth Haglin Photos_ Pictures of Iowa Teacher _ Heavy.com _ Page 2 - Copy

They knew in February.” KCRG reports that the disciplinary process only began in April 2016 when a video of Haglin and the student together began to circulate in the community.

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Typical. This is just another case of someone not wanting to take the blame for their wrong actions. Why is it so hard to admit when we screw up?! Everyone makes mistakes. It sucks that we are retarded sometimes, but seriously, get over it and move on. Don’t place the blame on someone else. People like this woman infuriate me, they are the losers in life. We only grow from admitting our mistakes and trying harder to not do the same stupid thing again. The key is to LEARN from your past not pretend it wasn’t your fault.

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