This crazy, intense and out of control street brawl resulted in someone getting hit on the head with an unconventional weapon [Video]

Don’t bring a fist to a shovel fight, indeed. Notice not a peep on this event by race hustlers such as Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and Eric Holder. As I understand it, this is a neighborhood in St. Louis. It shows the absolute lawlessness and thuggish culture engulfing so many these days. Positively barbaric. Putting aside the brawl itself which is full of animalistic and testosterone-filled violence, the guy with a shovel was looking to kill someone. Hitting someone over the head with a shovel is meant to cave in their skull – no Looney Tunes here… The sound of metal hitting a skull is gut wrenching and I am surprised he survived. This is getting your murderous intentions on.

From Rare:

There isn’t really any context available for this video of a street brawl released by Live Leak on Tuesday other than that it happened in the U.S.

Video shows a completely out of control street brawl taking place, where one teen armed with a shovel was going around and hitting people over the head with reckless abandon. One kid is clearly knocked out from a swing.

The brawl broke up when police sirens blared and the main perpetrator dropped the shovel and ran away along with the others.

What’s worse, is that voyeuristically enjoying over a dozen individuals beating the crap out of each other, was a mother filming this and cheering them on from a stoop. Yeah… that’s not evil much. No Mother of the Year for her, but she certainly epitomizes gangsta culture. This would have been a lot bloodier if the cops hadn’t swept in. But if Obama, de Blasio and company get their way, cops will be the hunted and will no longer be the protectors Americans have depended and relied on. It will be every man for himself out there and in many ways already is. St. Louis has turned into a mega-violent, chaotic free-for-all thanks to the Progressives and radicals. You’ve got the Brown case, a Bosnian man beat to death by blacks and Hispanics last week with hammers and now, another Bosnian white woman beaten yesterday. St. Louis is out of control. All according to their bloody plan for a race war.

Terresa Monroe-Hamilton

Terresa Monroe-Hamilton is an editor and writer for Right Wing News. She owns and blogs at She is a Constitutional Conservative and NoisyRoom focuses on political and national issues of interest to the American public. Terresa is the editor at Trevor Loudon's site, New Zeal - She also does research at You can email Terresa here. NoisyRoom can be found on Facebook and on Twitter.

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