BUSTED: Clinton Foundation Paid Men More Than Women [VIDEO]

BUSTED: Clinton Foundation Paid Men More Than Women [VIDEO]

If you talk to social justice warriors, the gender wage gap is a pervasive problem that must be destroyed. And of course, the only way to solve the problem is by getting the federal government involved and forcing companies to pay their employees what liberals feel is the right amount. In reality, the gender wage gap doesn’t actually exist, but liberal feminists never stop screeching about it. They also keep championing Hillary Clinton as some sort of feminist warrior for women. So how will they react when they find out that the Clinton Foundation paid women less than men?


In 2011, the Clinton Foundation employed more women than it did men. But it paid those women around $4,000 a year less than men. This information was discovered thanks to a new WikiLeaks release.

In the e-mail, an employee of the Clinton Foundation e-mailed the payroll schedule to both John Podesta, Clinton campaign CEO, and Bruce Lindsey, the Chairman of the Board. In addition to the payroll schedule, the e-mail included then-Chief Operating Office and Chief of Staff Laura Graham’s salary recommendations for the upcoming year.

On average, men earned $68,164, with a median salary of $55,200. Women, however, earned $64,118 on average, with a media salary of $50,000. This was based on information from 62 employees: 37 women and 25 men. The highest paid employee on staff was also a man, Justin Cooper, earned $127,000.

But, sure. Hillary will close the gender wage gap. She’ll get right on that.


Interestingly, this issue caused problems within the Clinton campaign, with staffers concerned about how it would look should Hillary’s flaming hypocrisy become known. In February of 2015, Ian Mandel sent an e-mail about a pay inequality story that had been released targeting the State Department. “Guys — Given the story yesterday about pay equity at the State Department, I wanted to flag something that came out of our research on pay equity at the Foundation,” Mandel wrote. “There are huge discrepancies, and it wouldn’t surprise me if they went here next.”

The Clinton Foundation isn’t an anomaly, either. Women earned less than men did in Hillary’s Senate staff.

Now, conservatives will understand that there may be legitimate reasons for the difference in pay. Liberals don’t understand basic economics, though, so for them, it’s an injustice that must be corrected. And that makes liberals like Hillary big, fat hypocrites.

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