Are You Having Any Technical Problems With Right Wing News?

I’ve been having some weird tech problems with RWN all week-end. At one point, the page was loading extremely slowly — but my hosting company said everything was working normally. Then, things seemed to clear up for most people, but the page still loads EXTREMELY slowly for me. I thought that perhaps that was some sort of individual problem connected to my computer or — more bizarrely — my IP.

However, I am now noticing that traffic is way, way down from the normal level this morning. That makes me wonder if other people are still having problems.

So, how about letting me know how the page is loading for you? Good, bad, indifferent — I want to know.

Update #1: If you’re having technical problems with RWN and know how to run them, my hosting company has requested trace routes. If you could post those in the comments section, I can forward them over. Thanks!

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