VIDEO: Violent Punk Threatens Subway Passengers… Suddenly Sees Total Darkness

VIDEO: Violent Punk Threatens Subway Passengers… Suddenly Sees Total Darkness

Sometimes, it seems that this overly-litigious society of ours is geared towards enabling and even rewarding scumbag behavior. When a shirtless jerk began a campaign of terrorizing subway passengers in LA, he likely did not expect resistance. That’s when a man grabbed him from behind and did what had to be done…


A video went viral on the Internet on Sunday showing a shirtless and probably intoxicated man bullying fellow passengers on a Los Angeles subway train.

Stumbling and storming back and forth along the aisle of the subway car while wielding his cellphone charging cord as if it were a dangerous weapon, the man cursed and threatened those individuals near him or in his way, repeatedly warning them not call him a “weirdo.”

One passenger smartly used his bicycle to shield himself from the bully, but another passenger was not so lucky, and soon found himself cornered with the angry man directly in his face.

Everything changed in an instant though, as another passenger stepped up behind the bully and placed him in a headlock-style sleeper hold, eventually lowering the subdued bully to the floor of the subway car.

When the bully awoke from his brief moment of unconsciousness, the large man who had put him down merely placed his heavy foot on the bully’s chest, preventing him from getting up.

The bully continued to weakly struggle to no avail, pleading with the man to let him up, but that only earned the reply, “I’m a f***ing cop, stay the f*** down.”

After another moment the train reached the next station and stopped, where law enforcement officials were reportedly waiting to apprehend the disruptive bully who had threatened the other passengers.

Thankfully this good Samaritan was there on the subway train to put a stop to this angry bully’s ranting and threats, as he could have exploded in a violent attack against one of the other passengers, perhaps even causing significant injury or death to one of those trapped in the enclosed subway car.

Whether or not the man who stopped the bully was really a cop or not was largely beside the point, though he literally served and protected the small community of that subway train in that moment.

It’s true that whether the man was a police officer or not, a citizen’s arrest is largely recognized as a legitimate measure and in this case, force appeared to be applied only to the degree that was necessary to subdue the threat- a textbook example of permissible use of force.

This is a lesson to scumbags: society is on edge and the good people of the world are tired of dealing with you. More and more of us are armed every day and more and more of us are willing to stand-up for ourselves and others.

Act accordingly.

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